I have deleted my Facebook @facebook, @Zuckerberg account after they keep restricting my account because they are mother fucking assholes. this is the world we live in. they sensor smart people, but the dumb ones don’t get censored. WHY? You figure it out. They are threatened. They should be. Help me get their 230 status revoked so they can be held liable and be sued for their scandalous behavior. You all have my email, and you should have my book too. And if not you can get your copy then do an honest review. I am not looking for made up reviews, just honest ones. And to those of you that have YET to review it, I would encourage you to fill one out. You may just get an autographed copy of the paperback with bookmarker if you do.
You can email me if you would like to talk . Until I reemerge victorious over petty Liberal bullshit, You can find me here. I will post weekly stories and you can always email me at [email protected] It is lonely being at the top, but I will remain content with my decision. Cheers!! #mister #Mistersmiss