
Her Warmth Gets Exponentially Saturated
Her warmth gets exponentially saturated as the minutes slip on by to his arrival. Mister was her day,...
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Mister's Jezebel of his BDSM world
She awaited his arrival with Sade playing in her earbuds while waiting in anticipation of Sir Mister’s...
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Rain Drops
Her Warmth Drizzle-Drops down His Throat, INTO His Soul ForEVER! ! !
This is an EXTRA Bonus to Know Mister on a level deeper than Most everyone gets to CUM! Her Tangy,...
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Next Story
Secret Fantasies over a man named Mister
Mister secretly fantasy fucks her in your bedroom with the lights out with his throbbing mother-fucker...
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Purplish Eruptions
She weeps with pain but savors his pleasure as Mister’s salty treat floods her mouth and runs down her...
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Chocolate Cake
Warm Drizzles of Chocolate Upon Your Skin!
Mister loves the sweet, tangy, and tart with an extra side of addictive. But tonight, he partakes...
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